About Janice Webb
Since 1992 Janice Webb (QSM, L.R.S.M, Adv.Dip.Tch) has been one of Auckland’s most respected voice tutors. Her extensive intellectual knowledge of the vocal instrument and her lifetime of experience as a singer, actress and recording artist has seen her sought as a singing teacher and adjudicator and she is regularly asked to judge all levels of classes at major singing competitions throughout New Zealand. Originally a school teacher, Janice’s 30 years at the chalk board were paralleled by her performance career which included the making of numerous recordings and broadcasts for the New Zealand Broadcasting Association (now Radio New Zealand) as well as taking lead roles in operas, operettas, musicals and oratorios throughout the country. The growing success of her students including teaching winners of the Mobil Song Quest (now Lexus Song Quest) and the New Zealand Herald Aria saw her leave the classroom to focus on teaching singing full time. In 2015 Janice was awarded a QSM for her contribution to music in New Zealand, was made a lifetime member or NEWZATS, the Singing Teachers Association of New Zealand and was a finalist for the Next Magazine Woman of the Year in the Arts and Culture category. |